Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Q&A: What is the point of black history month and hispanic heritage month?

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Question by Did you know Kevin loves the Big East.: What is the point of black history month and hispanic heritage month?

Isn't all American history? Why can't the people we study during those months just be considered part of history?

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Answer by Biracial Babe♥
It's because most Black and Hispanic history is omitted from regular history books. They just teach us general American history and since Whites were the only ones with a voice up until the last few decades, most American history is essentially White history. The most you may hear about Black history is about is segregation, Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement. I don't think I've even heard anything about Hispanic history in history class and I finished school in 2010 so it's not like it's been a long time 0.o

In history class, I never learned about Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, The Underground Railroad, Madame CJ Walker, George Washington Carver, etc. The only time I learned about these were when I attended a predominately Black elementary school.

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